I realized that I haven’t blogged in quite a while. I took a break from blogging while training and racing my bike for the past several years. For me, the pace and intensity of racing doesn’t fit with my blogging style. But I’m about to embark on a new adventure that does.
In early April, I will be leaving Boulder with two good friend, Beth and Randy. I met Beth on the America By Bicycle (ABB) ride across the country in 2010. I introduced Beth to Randy after we got back from that ride and they’ve been an ‘item’ ever since. Randy and I have worked together at Bell Labs/AT&T/Lucent/LGS Innovations for literally decades. The three of us will drive two RVs (Saddie and Buster) down to meet up with Leo in Texas. Back in 2010, I convinced Leo to join me on the ABB tour. The last member of our group, Sarah, will meet us in Tampa. Sarah also rode across the country with us in 2010. I guess you could say that this is a Reunion Tour! Our tour will begin in Key West, Florida. I’ve never been to the southern tip before and I’m excited to have this as our starting point.
Our plan is to meander up the coast and cycle the East Coast Greenway over the next couple of months traveling at a rather leisurely pace. Since we are supporting ourselves and have to figure out how to get 5 riders AND two RVs all the way up the coast, our tour will be somewhat unconventional — but likely entertaining! This blog will serve to chronicle our trip and as my memory is not what it used to be (and it was never very good….) it will also be a way for me to relive the adventure and share it with others after the fact.
Join me on this trip — perhaps this will inspire you to plan your own East Coast Greenway adventure!
Today, it is hard to even imagine cycling up the east coast. We are experiencing a spring blizzard in Colorado. I’ll include a photo from this morning. Normally I’d get on the trainer and do a Zwift ride for an hour or two. Today, I spent all my energy shoveling.