Monthly Archives: September 2010

Good Sam Jam 2010

Garmin Data:

Today’s Good Sam Jam benefit bike ride was well organized, well attended and a lot of fun. Beth and I met at the Good Samaritan Hospital a little before 7:00am. Our plan was to complete the 92 mile ride. 

Have you ever had one of those days….. we did.  It was foggy when I left the farm. Not just a little foggy — pea soup foggy. So, I arrived a little late and without either of my water bottles. Luckily,  Beth had an extra one I borrowed and I had brought a spare one with water for after the ride. And, as we got our stuff ready to head out, Beth realized that she had left her cycling shoes at home! We had a good laugh and decided that we’d better be extra careful on the ride because we obviously weren’t firing on all cyclinders today. We also decided to be flexible about the distance since we left about an hour later than everyone else and in the back of my mind I realized I was thinking I might be able to squeeze a few hours at work in after the ride. In the end, we did the 60 miler.

We made the most of those 60 miles and I thought we put in a good effort — so now I’m tired. I’m gonna upload some of  today’s photos — but no time to comment. I will say that there were a couple interesting things today that I’ll have to come back and explain — 1) we ran into Larry and Jan who just completed the Astoria, OR  to San Fransico, CA leg of the ABB’s “West” ride the past Friday (as in 2 days ago!) and 2) Beth came across another cyclist with the EXACT same custom bike she designed with a builder in Massachusetts! Now she wishes she’d patented the design!

The young gal in pink at the right of the photo below rode 16 miles today! I don’t know how old I was before I could do that — but I know I was a LOT older than she is when I did it!

And, of course, THE BUFFET!!!!!